The Best of Two Worlds: The Catio
in Barks and Blooms / cat / cat nip / indoor cat / outdoor cat / ratio
by Sandy Kempton
November 25, 2013
What’s a Catio? A hybrid of cat & patio and it’s the coolest thing for active cats in the country, suburbs, or city. Of course it’s too cold for much outdoor time right now, but if you start planning now, you can have a Fabulous Catio by spring! Take a look at these inspirations:
A Catio can be as simple as this portable pop-up:
A Catio can be an efficient, tidy box attached to a window. You can DIY or purchase.
This Catio is like the one above, just fancier! What a lucky cat! (I saw a similar one while at the beach in North Carolina this summer.)
Look at this! Exercise steps, ramps…and…is that catnip I see?
More happy cats experiencing freedom AND safety. Perfection!
The Cottage Catio. Sweet shade and the kitties can keep you company while you garden
Limited space? How perfect is this?
Does your home have a catio? Share your thoughts and your pics!!